Excellency, "Aleslah Muharraq" The program "Family Treasure Hunt" is organized remotely
  • 2021-01-30

Excellency, "Aleslah Muharraq" The program "Family Treasure Hunt" is organized remotely

His Excellency, in AIeslah Association branch in Muharraq, recently organized a "Family Treasure Hunt" program, which included a number of games and challenges shared by all family members. Moving between game stations in their own car, with the help of parents to overcome the challenges and reach the place of treasure. During the program, all precautionary measures were taken into account, as registration was made via the electronic link, and the participating families were communicated remotely, and the games were designed in a special way that allows the family to play it inside the car without sharing with other families, and the idea met the approval of the participants and their parents.

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